What is IMSI Treatment?

Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a sperm selection method used in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The technique involves using a microscope to view detailed images of the sperm under very high magnification (over x6000) to select the sperm to inject into an egg.

IMSI is a non-invasive test performed on a semen sample as an additional step in the ICSI process. The risks associated with the use of ICSI also apply to IMSI. However, IMSI does not carry any additional known risks for the person undergoing fertility treatment or the child born as a result of fertility treatment.

When Its Done?

  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is also known as IMSI is another procedure used during the time of IVF. It enables the doctors to differentiate between the structure of the sperm and exclude the suspected variations.

  • ICSI is performed where doctors find severe male infertility. It is performed parallel to IVF for a better result. But sometimes the process fails. To enhance a positive outcome doctors use a digital high magnification sperm to improve the process of fertilization and embryo development. This procedure is used for couples with poor results in IVF with ICSI.
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